| Do you support the Trump administration's lawsuit against Illinois and Chicago over sanctuary policies? | | | | | | | | Richer, Wiser, Happier | 3 ways to have your credit card debt forgiven this February: With credit card interest rates sitting at record highs and inflation continuing to strain household budgets, many Americans have been struggling to keep up with their mounting credit card payments. Recent Federal Reserve data shows that credit card debt has now surpassed $1.17 trillion, the highest it's ever been, while credit card delinquency rates continue climbing. In other words, Americans are facing serious issues with their credit card debt now and it's important to find a solution if you're one of them. |
| 3 Cheap Growth Stocks You Can Buy for Less Than $100 | David Jagielski, Fool. Don't want to spend a fortune and break the bank on investing in growth stocks? The ones listed here all cost less than $100. Even if you can't make a big lump sum investment, you can add steadily to your position over time, resulting in a much larger balance in the future. |
| Everything to know about the IRS Fresh Start program: If you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) but can't afford to pay it off immediately, that delinquent tax debt can end up having a big impact on your financial health. After all, the IRS has lots of tools at its disposal to recoup the money owed, and over time, you may find yourself facing big penalties as your tax debt accumulates interest — including things like wage garnishments or tax liens. If that happens, it could be a significant hit to your financial well-being. |
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